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发布者:国合办     发布日期:2022年01月12日 20:22     点击数:

会议主题Sustainable Development and Law in Asia








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We are pleased to announce that the Asian Law Institute (ASLI) and The University of Tokyo, Graduate Schools for Law and Politics will host the 19th ASLI Annual Conference (Virtual) on Saturday 28 and Sunday 29 May 2022.

The purpose of the annual conference is to bring together scholars of Asian law from within and outside Asia to interact, share ideas and build collegial networks which may facilitate dialogue and research collaborations. We hope that this research forum will be widely used to bring together collaborators in various projects. Presenters and non-presenters are encouraged to connect with fellow academics before the conference and to start thinking about potential research projects.

Even though it will be held virtually this year, the conference format remains broadly the same as in previous years: there will be numerous parallel sessions over two days. The broad theme of the 2022 conference is Sustainable Development and Law in Asia.

Under the conference theme, we will, as far as possible, group papers within broad subject areas, and will form panels on this basis. The broad subject areas will include: Banking and Finance; Bankruptcy; Children and Law; Competition Law; Constitutional and Administrative Law; Corporate Law & Governance; Criminal Law; Environmental Law; Family Law; Human Rights; Information Technology Law; International Arbitration and Dispute Resolution; International Business Law; International Investment Law; International Law; Intellectual Property Rights; International Regulation of Trade; Labor & Employment Law; Law & Economic Development; Law and Religion; Law & Society; Legal Education; Legal Pluralism; Maritime Law; Migration; Miscellaneous; Private International Law; Private Law; Tax Law; and Women & Law.

We would very much appreciate your help in bringing this conference to the attention of your faculty/law school colleagues, as well as anyone whom you think might be interested in attending, whether as a paper presenter or otherwise.

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