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发布者:人才办     发布日期:2018年08月23日 14:10     点击数:


教授, 博士生导师


通讯地址:中国吉林省长春市前进大街2699号 必威(130012


本科生: 英国公司法 研究生: 商法前沿问题


中国法学会商法学研究会 理事

中国法学会证券法学研究会 理事

英国法学家协会 会员

英国高等教育学会 会员

吉林省法学会商法学研究会 常务理事

英国杜伦大学商法研究中心 客座教授

英国斯旺西大学必威 客座教授


2005 - 2009 英国曼彻斯特大学必威 法学博士(公司法)

2003 - 2004 英国曼彻斯特大学必威 法学硕士 (国际商法)

2001 - 2002 英国诺丁汉大学必威 法学硕士 (贸易法)

1997 - 2001 中国政法大学 法学学士(国际经济法)


2015.1至今  必威 教授                            

2013.10-2015.1   英国斯旺西大学必威 高级讲师

2012.11-2015.1   必威 教授 (兼职)                              

2011.8-2013.9   英国斯旺西大学必威 讲师            

2009.8-2011.8   英国利物浦大学必威 讲师            

2003.1-2003.8   北京观韬律师事务所 律师助理


Shareholder Primacy and Corporate Governance in the UK – Legal Aspects, Practices and Future Directions (2013, Oxon: Routledge).


1.(2022) 58 (1 Winter) Corporate Social Accountability, Stanford Journal of International Law, (with J Zhao) 63-111 (SSCI);

2.“Eliminating Zombie Companies through Insolvency Law: Striking a Balance between Market-Oriented Policies and Government Intervention” (2021) Asian Pacific Law Review (with R. Perry et al.)(forthcoming) SSCI;

3.“Some Ethical, Legal, and Social Dimensions of Pandemic Response Technology” (2021) 40(2) IEEE Technology and Society Magazine 41-6 (with J. Pitt & M. Taddeo) (SCIE);

4.“The Bumpy Road of Home States’ Regulation of Globalised Businesses – Legal and Institutional Disruptions to Supply Chain Disclosure”(2020) 69(1) Catholic University Law Review 125-162 (with J Zhao) (SSCI);

5.“The Commons, the Common Good and Extraterritoriality: Seeking Sustainable Global Justice through Corporate Responsibility” with Zhao Sustainability (2020) 12(22): 9475 (SSCI);

6.Contextualising Legal Norms – A Multi-dimensional View of the 2014 Legal Capital Reform in China” (2018) 19(1) European Business Organisation Law Review 93-140 (with J Zhao) (SSCI);

7.“The Eligibility of Claimants to Commence Derivative Litigation on Behalf of China’s Joint Stock Limited Companies” (2018) 48(2) Hong Kong Law Journal 687-738 (with J Zhao) (SSCI);

8.“The Cogs and Wheels of Reflexive Law – Business Disclosure under the Modern Slavery Act” (2016) 43(3) Journal of Law and Society 327-359 (SSCI);

9.以法治推进行业协会自治的体系构建——基于美国自治理念和实践的思考社会科学战线 2016年第 10(CSSCI);

10.“The Ideals and Reality of a Legal Transplant: The Veil-Piercing Doctrine in China” (2014) 50(2) Stanford Journal of International Law 319-358 (SSCI);

11.“The Achilles Heel that Hobbles the Asian Giant – The Legal and Cultural Impediments to Antibribery Initiatives in China” (2013) 50(3) American Business Law Journal 483-541 (SSCI);

12.“Less is More – A Critical View of Further EU Action towards a Harmonised Corporate Governance Framework in the aftermath of the Crisis” (2013) 12(1) Washington University Global Studies Law Review 41-93;

13.“The Legitimacy of Unsecured Creditor Protection through the Lens of Corporate Social Responsibility” (2013) 8Journal of Business Law 868-898 (with J Zhao);

14.“Revisiting the Corporate Objective through the Economic Lens” (2013) 8 International Company and Commercial Law Review 302-317;

15.“The Magnitude of Shareholder Value as the Overriding Objective in the UK – The Post-Crisis Perspective” (2011) 26(7) Journal of International Banking Law and Regulation 325-338;

16.“Exploring the Rationale of Enlightened Shareholder Value in the Realm of UK Company Law – The Path Dependence Perspective”, (2011) XIV International Trade and Business Law Review 153-173 (with J Zhao);

17.“Promoting Stakeholders' Interests in the Unique Chinese Corporate Governance Model”, (2010) 21(11) International Company and Commercial Law Review 373-385 (with J Zhao);

18.“Revisiting the Scope of a Scheme of Arrangement - Insights Derived from Lehman”, (2010) 3(3) Bankers Law 20-28 (with J Zhao);

19. “Institutional Investor Activism on Socially Responsible Investment: Effects and Expectations”, (2009) 18 (3) Business Ethics: A European Review 308-333 (SSCI);


2020-2022年 教育部 春晖国际合作项目

2020-2021年 英国NTU Global Challenge Research Fund

2019-2021年 司法部 国家法治与国家理论项目

2018-2019年 吉林省教育厅 十三五科研项目

2018-2019年 英国NTU Strategic Research: Safety and Security of Citizens and Society

2015-2018年 必威体育官网哲学社会科学青年学术领袖项目


2020年 牛津OPGDI In-Conversation 对话主持

2018年 第三届吉林省十大杰出中青年法学家

2018年 美国国际法学会会议“When corporate and international law meet: corporate agency in a global context” 召集人之一 并做会议发言

2018年 吉林省财经大学商法论坛 会议发言

2017年 必威经理基金科研奖励 一等奖

2017年 必威商法高端论坛 会议发言

2016年 澳洲商业领袖年会 分会场主席并做主题发言


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